Overcoming the inertia preventing change at work

There Might Be Something Happening In The Universe is a pep talk for healthcare pros feeling discontented by the inertia that exists in every organization.

Re-Launched: Q2 // 2024

There Might Be Something Happening In The Universe

Before pandemic times, I wrote a little booklet about understanding and overcoming the inertia preventing change at work. I wrote it for myself, as much as I wrote it for my healthcare friends who had been reaching out to me with different flavors of the same problem: job suck as a result of how things were.

We all needed a pep talk. That's what "There Might Be Something Happening In The Universe" is: a pep talk for those worn down and worn out by how things are. It holds up well!

So I made a few small updates and am making it available again. It's printed on paper -- so if you'd like one, send me a note and I'll drop it into the capable hands of the fine ladies and gents of the United States Postal Service.

Those feelings you’re feeling? They are a result of contact between the way things are in the organizations we work for and the way things are going to be.

The organization you work for is not organized to make change happen. It’s organized to continue doing the work the way it has always done the work—even in organizations we might label as progressive or innovative.

“There Might Be Something Happening in the Universe” is a five-point plan to help you understand and overcome inertia at work by applying agency and influence.

It's pumped up a few people already. I am sure it can help you, too.

Complete this form, hit Submit, and I'll send you an email when it's on its way.

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